28 days later movie set green screen
28 days later movie set green screen

28 days later movie set green screen 28 days later movie set green screen

However, just after, when Selena notices Mark is injured and likely infected, she immediately hacks him to death with her machete and sets about leaving and heading back out into the city with Jim. That night, as Jim looks through the house, two infected arrive and attack Jim before Mark and Selena kill the infected. Selena and Mark tell Jim he should be grateful his family died peacefully, unlike Selena and Mark's own families in the rage pandemic, and the trio subsequently decide to stay in the house for the night. The next day, Jim, Mark and Selena make their way across London to Jim's parents' home, where a devastated Jim finds his parents committed suicide during the Rage outbreak. Jim wants to go to his parents' home in Deptford to check on them, despite Selena's warnings they will most certainly be dead, but agree to accompany Jim once it is safe to go out in daytime. Upon learning from Jim that he has been comatose throughout the catastrophe that has apparently hit London, Selena explains to Jim that while he was comatose, a virulent virus which turns those it infects into raging, mindless killers in seconds (the "rage" virus from the Cambridge Primate Research Centre) has surfaced and spread uncontrollably, decimating and destroying Britain and possibly the entire globe and collapsing British society, and leaving most of the remaining population either dead or infected. The two survivors subsequently take Jim into their hideout in an abandoned sweetshop in the empty London Underground, where they introduce themselves as Mark and Selena.

28 days later movie set green screen

Jim flees the church into the streets of London, with the raging people giving hot pursuit, when two survivors in gear rescue Jim by molotoving his pursuers and blowing up a nearby gas station.

28 days later movie set green screen

Jim finds people alive but odd-seeming in the church, including a priest who seems to be spasming and unintelligent and tries to attack Jim. Jim soon finds and enters a church which has been used as a mass grave and his filled with corpses. Jim then leaves the hospital and heads out into Central London, finding the city is completely devoid of human life and rife with signs of a massive catastrophe - including a discarded newspaper that indicates Britain has endured a mass exodus, and a huge bulletin board covered with thousands of missing persons notices. He ventures through the hospital, finding it deserted and rife with signs of chaos and unable to find anyone else there. Twenty-eight days later, a man named Jim wakes up from a coma in an empty hospital. The bitten activist almost immediately begins vomiting blood and attacks the other activists and the scientist. However, the activists ignore the scientist's warnings and release one of the chimps, which attacks and bites an activist before one of the others kills it.

28 days later movie set green screen free#

When the activists intend to free the chimps, the panicked scientist tries to warn the animal activists that the chimps are infected with a highly contagious virus he calls Rage, which is very dangerous and can be transmitted through just one bite. A trio of animal rights activists break into the laboratory where the chimps are being held to collect evidence of the inhumane experimentation, capturing a local scientist at the lab in the process. At the Cambridge Primate Research Centre, chimps are being experimented on with dissections and with videos of urban rage and violence.

28 days later movie set green screen